The #1 blog to prepare new moms for all things postpartum and motherhood

Motherhood Isn’t Easy: Finding Peace In Postpartum
I know what it’s like to wake up exhausted because I had almost no sleep the night before. And to lay down at night worrying if I was doing anything right, or if I would ever feel like my pre-baby self again. It got so bad that I found myself bleary eyed, enraged, and feeling incompetent, crying on the phone with my mom, 2000 miles away. So, I know how painful it can be. And, I know what it’s like to be on the other side of it. Find out more here.

How to have a VBAC (Yes, Even in Miami)
Have the VBAC of your dreams with this step by step guide. Where to birth. Questions to ask your provider. Steps to prepare mentally and emotionally. My best resources for VBAC.

Taking Back My Power: My Birth Story Retold
There was so much that I needed to learn at that point in my life and my son’s birth was a part of that powerful lesson. I would not be the person I am today without that experience. So here’s the new version of my birth story. The one where I regain my power and my position as the heroine of my own story.

Doulas and Advocacy: I Will Not Keep My Mouth Shut
Nothing gets my blood boiling like the idea that doulas need to lie down and be quiet in front of OBs no matter what they witness. Something just doesn’t sit right with me about women continuing to be silenced in the birth room to appease the “powerful” and “knowledgeable professionals”

How Birth Partners can Support Postpartum Care
The period immediately postpartum comes with many physiologic changes. It may also involve wound care from tears in the perineum or a cesarean birth scar. These months are in an important time for the birthing person to recover. Partners, whether they are spouses, parents, siblings, friends, or paid professionals, can be an amazing help during this time to reduce the burden on the birthing parent as they are healing.

How to Separate Pain from Suffering in Labor
Pain is normal in birth, but suffering doesn’t have to be. There are a few major things that can be done to set up an environment for comfort and pain relief before labor has even begun.

Basic Guide to Exclusive Pumping
Pumping milk is another excellent way to provide breastmilk to babies, but it requires a little bit of extra work and planning than feeding straight from the breast. This guide will help you through the process.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is one of the most important things a mother can do to protect the health of her children and provide nourishment for them. It is recommended by doctors to exclusively breastfeed throughout the first six months of an infants’ life and as long as reasonable after that

Creating Your Fertility Altar
One possible step in preparing for conception can be creating a fertility altar. Before I ever knew what an altar was, I always had one: a special place that I curated with deep intention and used to connect with myself and my dreams. It was something that always called to me and I would like to offer a few words of guidance if you have never made an altar for yourself.

The Importance of Ancestral Healing in Womb Wellness
In a patriarchal and capitalist society, we are not encouraged to know our matriline and be linked to our ancestors. We are encouraged to take our husbands last names, passing the male legacy down to our children. We are taught to live independently from our mothers, grandmothers, community, and wise women. But in order to heal our wombs, we need to be prepared to do the opposite.

How Trauma and Stress Affect Fertility
Many of us know that decreasing stress can help us to conceive yet we’re unsure what that means. Cut back hours at work? Take a bubble bath? In reality, we all have stressors that affect our lives on a daily basis. In fact, a little stress can even be a good thing. For the most part, we know how to manage those stressors and don’t really need to cut them down unless we really feel ourselves struggling under our schedules. The type of stress that affects fertility the most is the type you don’t see.

How Womens’ Circles Say Fuck You to the Patriarchy and Heal the Womb
Circle is the most powerful form of anti-capitalist and anti-patriarchal connection. So much so that we women were burned at the stake for centuries simply for this powerful form of connection and wisdom sharing.

How to Start Practicing Gentle Parenting
Gentle parenting promotes fair discipline, understanding between parents and their kids, autonomy, critical thinking, emotional regulation skills, and more. This style of parenting helps kids understand themselves, their needs, their emotions, and their responsibilities. It is a flexible approach that is not one-size-fits-all.

Depression: What to Know About Depression in Women
Some types of depression predominantly affect women, and women are more likely to get a depression diagnosis at this time. A variety of factors, such as underdiagnosed physical health problems that can lead to depression and gender-based violence, bias, or discrimination, all play a probable role in women's mental health. Depression can impact anyone, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. No matter who you are, don't be ashamed to reach out for help. Know that it is possible to feel like yourself again if you are struggling.

My Fertility Journey: A Story of Listening to My Own Body
I was told that I would probably never conceive naturally. It’s a good thing I didn’t listen to that doctor.

Healing the Womb After a Scary Birth
I’ve held a lot of trauma in my body throughout life and I know that it affects other aspects of my wellbeing. So whether it is driving my fertility issues or not, it’s time to meet myself in this space to release the giant burden and tension from my body. I have made the decision to actively heal from the trauma I have experienced in terms of birth, sexual assault, violence, and generational trauma.

Hospitals Are Not the Safest Place to Birth
We all have a perception of birth that has been shaped by experiences and the stories we have heard. For many people today, these stories are stories of uncontrollable pain and fear. The media portrays women screaming, being rushed through the hospital while birthing. But I have a different perception of birth. I believe birth is a normal physiological function humans have been doing since the dawn of time. We can do it on our own, without medication or intervention, and in an empowered way.

The Stages of Labor
The question I get most often is “how can I manage the pain of labor?” Truthfully, the most important thing you can do to cope with the sensations of labor is to understand what to expect. Once you know what is going to happen, it is easier to give yourself positive affirmations that what you are experiencing is normal and bringing you closer to your baby. Here is a quick guide to the stages of labor.

World Breastfeeding Week: Common Questions, Challenges, and Solutions
I think we’ve all heard the many, many reasons breastfeeding is beneficial for babies from complete nutrients to antibodies and more. Although many parents understand these amazing benefits, we also tend to worry about our ability to breastfeed successfully. I’ve noticed this boil down to two real issues: pain or discomfort and low supply (or perceived low supply). Luckily there are solutions to these problems.

The Value of Labor Support
Women have been supporting other women through birth since the dawn of our species. This support is essential to positive outcomes and positive experiences for mothers and babies. Historically, support could come in the form of mothers, mothers-in-law, sisters, aunts, or other trusted women. Today, professional doulas are another option for unbiased support. Doulas Provide five facets of support including physical, emotional, informational, advocacy, and partner reinforcement. Within each facet, many layers of value can be found.