How Womens’ Circles Say Fuck You to the Patriarchy and Heal the Womb
Circle is the most powerful form of anti-capitalist and anti-patriarchal connection. So much so that we women were burned at the stake for centuries simply for this powerful form of connection and wisdom sharing. The witches and wise women before us were powerful female healers who believed in equality, collaboration, and community over individualism.
Have you ever noticed that we as a society today are lonely? We are conditioned by capitalism to value independence, living in “single family” housing away from our mothers and grandmothers, disconnected from our ancestors. We are taught to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and be ashamed of asking for help. The patriarchy teaches us to be quiet and obedient. It has oppressed us and kept us from our ancestral knowledge.
Yet, we hold this power, and we are able to amplify it together. Circle is about holding space for collective intention. Circle is about leaning into and lifting up each other. Circle is about connecting with the divine feminine within. Women’s circles bring back our sense of community and sisterhood. They give us a space to share our knowledge and magic as equals
Are you interested in joining a women’s circle? I offer a virtual womb healing circle every first Friday of the month at 6pm EST. Please contact me to join us.